It's hard to believe that we have been in China for a year. Time is going by fast!
Jason had the week before Christmas off. We were taking it easy - shopping, baking and tennis. Our little Lily woke up on the Wednesday before with a little cough. That night she had a high fever and did not feel well at all. The next day, we decided to take her to the clinic here at the club. She definitely wasn't feeling well by the time we left the clinic. They sent us to the hospital and she had a chest xray. Pneumonia. Poor thing - she felt awful. She spent 2 nights in the hospital. We were all thrilled when she was discharged on Christmas Eve. She was doing so much better and the fever was gone. She was back to being the happy, playful little girl that we all love so much!
We arrived home by 2:00 in the afternoon. I had everyone helping me in the kitchen. We made Chicken enchiladas for dinner, the stuffing for Christmas day, sugar cookies and Ravioli filling all by 5:00. It was a bit crazy but lots of fun. After dinner I made the dough for the raviolis and Jason started rolling it out. At the same time, Katelyn and Devin were working on decorating the sugar cookies.

They were delicious and did not last long. I should say that Devin made the dough for the cookies.

I was really running on fumes. I don't think I had more than 12 hours of sleep total in the previous 3 nights.

I am so glad the Raviolis turned out delicous!!!! It was worth staying up late and working.

Jason had decided to only shave some of his face over the holiday:) We all just kept looking at him and shaking our heads. I finally figured whom he reminded me of and is was Mario from the game station. He put on my Swiss red hat and sure enough that was it. His mustache didn't get real thick but you can see it. He looked too old!

We had our friends Carlos, Bethe and their 2 daughters for Christmas dinner. It was a fun day. I was able to fit the turkey in the oven but it was a bummer not having more than 1 shelf for heating up the stuffing. It still tasted delicous and everyone loved the raviolis.

Cheers! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
P.S. Jason shaved the mustache off before the dinner:)